The Doing Sociology team interviewed social anthropologists Prof. Lina Fruzzetti of Brown University and Prof. Akos Ostor of Wesleyan University. We spoke about the evolution of the discipline of Social Anthropology, visual ethnography, using film making as a research tool, and more.About the speakers: Prof. Lina Fruzzetti teaches at the Anthropology Department at Brown University. Prof. Ákös Östor has previously taught in the Anthropology department at Harvard University. In 1988 he joined Wesleyan University where he is a Professor Emeritus of Anthropology and Film Studies. Some of their co-directed films include Seed and Earth (1994), Fishers of Dar (2002) and Singing Pictures (2005). Some of their major co-authored publications include Kinship and Ritual in Bengal and Culture and Change Along the Blue Nile.One can find more about Prof. Fruzzetti here and here. You can look up some of Prof. Ostor’s works here.