Radhika Chopra was a Professor in Sociology at the Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi before she retired in August 2020. Her areas of interest are Militancy movements; Transnational Migration; Memory and Memorials; Gender and Masculinities; Punjab Studies and Visual cultures. Some of her books include Amritsar 1984: A City Remembers (Lexington Books, 2018); Militant and Migrant: The Politics and Social History of Punjab (Routledge, 2011), and Reframing Masculinities: Narrating the Supportive Practices of Men (Orient Longman, 2007).

What role do memorials play in keeping the past alive? How does Amritsar’s Heritage street help us understand the urban and its relationship to religion? Professor Chopra answers some of these questions and more in this interview.

By Jitu

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