Naveeda Khan is a Professor and Chair of the Department of Anthropology at Johns Hopkins University, and affiliate faculty of the Centre for Islamic Studies, Comparative Thought and Literature, and the Program in Environmental Science and Studies at JHU. She has worked for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Dhaka and Cox’s Bazaar, Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee (BRAC), Travelers and Immigrants Aid of Chicago (TIA) and The Field Museum of Natural History. Her research spans riverine lives and national climate policy in Bangladesh, UN led global climate governance processes, German romanticism, Bengali and Urdu literature and writings on the environment. She is the author of Muslim Becoming: Aspiration and Skepticism in Pakistan (2012), River Life and the Upspring of Nature (2022) and In Quest of a Shared Planet: Negotiating Climate from the Global South (2023) and editor of Beyond Crisis: Reevaluating Pakistan (2010).

By Jitu

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