Urban Sociology Lessons for the COVID-19 Pandemic from Edward Norton’s Movie Motherless Brooklyn – Varun Patil
Amazon Prime India dropped Edward Norton’s Motherless Brooklyn to its viewer’s right in the middle of a raging pandemic. It…
Amazon Prime India dropped Edward Norton’s Motherless Brooklyn to its viewer’s right in the middle of a raging pandemic. It…
South Asian Workers’ Center (SAWC)[i] is proud to have volunteers who are from the South Asian community, as well as those…
The last decade has seen the rise of populism globally. India has been no exception. While considerable scholarly attention has…
The COVID-19 crisis, which began in Wuhan in the Hubei province of China has changed everyone’s lives across the globe.…
At one point in James Joyce’s modernist masterpiece, Ulysses, the character Stephen Dedalus presciently observes that history is a nightmare from…
Human mortality is a universal fact. However, the beliefs of the afterlife, or what lies beyond death are often culturally…
इस दौर में आज़ादी की एक अलग चाह है जब हम सब कैद हैं अपने घरों में पता नहीं ये आज़ादी कब आयेगी ? कल तक समय का सही हिसाब था और आज लगता है की मैं हूँ कहाँ । समय से मैं पूछती हूँ “तू किधर जा रहा है? थोड़ा तो रुक जा, थोड़ा तो ठहर जा इंसान कब तक भागेगा तेरे पीछे ?” लगता है कि पंछी बन कर कहीं उड़ जाऊँ | खुले आसमान में उड़ते परिंदे भी आज छटपटाते हैं आज़ादी के लिए शायद घर का ठिकाना ही नहीं — आज इधर तो कल उधर । कोरोना कोरोना करते करते सपने कहीं खो गए हैं समाधान आने तक कहीं और ज़्यादा जाने ना चली जाएँ । मैं ठहरी हुई हूँ एक ऐसे मोड़ पर…
What is it that strikes one first, when one talks about friendship? The idea that friendship is not determined by…
Statistics and governments Since the onset of COVID-19, it is routine that the media displays national and global numbers of…
Since April 2020 there has been considerable discussion in media on the construction of the controversial Chandrakirti Memorial Park at…